- 08-221 M. Marx, H. Najar
- On the singular spectrum for adiabatic quasi-periodic Schr{\"o}dinger Operators
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Nov 23, 08
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Abstract. In this paper we study spectral properties of a family
of quasi-periodic Schr\"odinger operators on the real line in the
adiabatic limit. We assume that the adiabatic iso-energetic curve has a real branch that
is extended along the momentum direction. In the energy intervals where this happens, we obtain an asymptotic
formula for the Lyapunov exponent and show that the spectrum is
purely singular. This result was conjectured and proved in a particular case by Fedotov and Klopp in \cite{FEKL1}.
- Files:
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MarxNajar.pdf.mm ,
MarxNajar.dvi.mm )