- 04-89 Charles R. Doering, Nikola P. Petrov
- Low-wavenumber forcing and turbulent energy dissipation
(398K, Postscript)
Mar 19, 04
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Abstract. A popular method of forcing the fluid
in Direct Numerical Simulations of turbulence
is to take the body force proportional
to the projection of the velocity of the fluid
onto its lowest Fourier modes,
while keeping the injected external power constant.
In this paper we perform a simple but rigorous analysis
to establish bounds on the relationship
between the energy dissipation rate
and the resulting Reynolds number for this type of forcing.
While this analysis cannot give detailed information
of the energy spectrum, it does provide some indication
of the balance of energy between the lower,
directly forced, modes, and those excited by the cascade.
- Files:
04-89.keywords ,
Doering.ps )