- 04-252 Thomas Chen
- L^r-Convergence of
a Random Schr\"odinger to a Linear
Boltzmann Evolution
(147K, AMS Latex)
Aug 15, 04
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Abstract. We study the macroscopic scaling and weak coupling
limit for a random Schr\"odinger
equation on $\Z^3$.
We prove that the Wigner transforms of a large class
of "macroscopic" solutions converge in
$r$-th mean to solutions of a linear Boltzmann equation,
for any finite value of $r\in\R_+$.
This extends previous
results where convergence in expectation was established.
- Files:
04-252.comments ,
04-252.keywords ,
lpc.tex ,
lpc-fig1.eps ,
lpc-fig2.eps )