The World-Wide Web (WWW, W3) is a wide-area hypermedia information retrieval initiative (pioneered at CERN) aiming to provide easy access to a variety of media. Hypertext documents can include text, sound, images, movies, ..., as well as links to other such media which can be located elsewhere on the network. The currently supported methods of access (specified in the links) include ftp, telnet, news, gopher, wais, and http (hypertext transmission protocol). Hypertext documents can also be interactive, e.g., the mp_arc "home page" allows keyword searches of (the entire text contained in) the preprint/abstract database. >> how to access mp_arc through the World-Wide Web URLs (uniform resource locators) for the mp_arc "home page" are Such links can be incorporated into any hypertext file, e.g., the "home page" of your local institution or department. Depending on the software used, this link can also be specified on the command line and/or added to a personal "hotlist".